[AMPS] Re: Wanted: 2 X 4CX250r amp article
Jan-Erik Holm
Thu, 16 Jul 1998 08:37:36 GMT+1
>very easy to build, will put out up to 2500 Watts if you squeze >it a bit.<
>I've heard of the millennium bug but my computer reports that >today is 15
>July, not 1 April. Or are those special Swedish watts?
If these thoughts makes you happy by all means be my guest!
>Either >way, I'm glad
>I'm not in line-of-sight range of SM2-land.
Yes good for you.
>Of all the nasty amplifier designs ever seen on this planet, that >DUBIOUS
>horror must be a strong contender for the title of Worst Ever. >The original
>Plumber's Special was a bit of a nightmare too. I'd go for an >updated W1SL
>every time.
>John Nelson
Worst ever or not it works very good for me and others.
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