[AMPS] Electrolytic Capacitors

W8AV@aol.com W8AV@aol.com
Thu, 16 Jul 1998 07:13:37 EDT

In a message dated 98-07-15 16:31:20 EDT, you write:

<< Greetings to the group!
 		I am looking for a source where I might obtain six ( 6 ) single section
electrolytic caps as replacements for a Dentron MLA-2500. The value of these
units are 150uF at 450VDC twist mounts by Sprague ( TVL 1770 original part
number) any ideas???

I have recently priced these replacement caps and they aren't cheap (about $30
apiece).  I have decidsed the way to go is with computer grade electrolytics
of the same value that I am going to purchase from Harbach ELectronics.  He is
the guy that has all the mods and replacement stuff for Heathkit amps.  That
way if I lose a cap, it is much cheaper and easier to replace.  Taking two
screws out of a computer grade cap is much easier than having to deal with the
twist-locks on the TVL-1770 caps.  From looking in the amp, the mod to change
to the computer grade caps will not be too difficult.

73....................de Goose W8AV

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