[AMPS] Pulse rating in vacuum tubes

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Thu, 16 Jul 98 20:09:16 -0800

>Hi All
>Been on the list for 10 monthes now and have a question that been gnawing
>at me for quite sone time that I have not seen answered. It deals with the
>P rating given to vacuum tubes for pulse service. Tube manufacturers seem
>to make both variants of the same tube as in 4CX-250 and 4CPX-250. Every
>thread on this list seems to use these 2 types interchangeably. Is there a
>difference in the Pulse variant? Are they engineered differently? 

Pulse rated versions typically have a longer anode insulator to increase 
the withstanding V capability.  Other than that, they seem to be similar 
to plain vanilla versions.  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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