[AMPS] RE: Pencils and fiery inch-long arcs!

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 13:33:19 -0400

At 11:00 AM 7/22/98 -0600, Richard W. Ehrhorn wrote:
>Then FIRST THING after opening the cover, short the HV line to chassis two 
>or three times with an HV-shorting stick, or at least with a long, 
>well-insulated screwdriver, before touching anything! NEVER TRUST YOUR LIFE 
>to switches, relays, cover interlocks, crowbars or the like - even with a 
>well- designed commercial amp, the stakes are just too high to take 

Amen.  Many years ago a friend got one hand on a ceramic standoff that was
used as the HV input on a surplus amp - maybe a BC-610 - and the 2KV
knocked him cold, threw him across the room and left a huge divot in his
thumb.  I was told while still a pup that, when double-checking that your
caps have discharged, you should always be sure that the blade of the
screwdriver is in contact with ground before you bring it near the +B.
Make sense?

73,  Pete Smith N4ZR
In wild, wonderful, fairly rare WEST Virginia

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