[AMPS] Re: SSB Power Output

Bob Sutton bob.sutton@xtra.co.nz
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 11:47:00 +1200

At 16:22 22/07/98 -0500, you wrote:

>>With the honourable
>>exception of the EME world, where 1.76dB would be very well worth having,
>>hands up all those who think that the difference between 100 and 150W on HF
>>is going to account for whether or not you get through the pile-up? 
>You'd be surprised at this crowd!  I once made the same comment between 
>1KW and 1.5KW and you should have seen the comments!  Yes, they say, it 
>DOES make a difference.  I don't buy it though.

>From the dx-pedition end of the (SSB) pile-up,  1 or 2 dB is all it takes
to stand out over the "rabble" ... but the audio response/quality and
operator technique play VERY significant parts too.  I often hear W8AH
first although his signal is 3-6dB down on the rest of the pile-up.  Note I
said that I "hear W8AH first", not "work W8AH first" ...  his technique
invokes a negative response in my logging hand!  Oh, its a wonderful hobby
if you don't take it too seriously, and keep a smile on your face!!

73 ... Bob, ZL1RS (A35RS, ZK1RS/s, ZK1RS/n, ZK2RS, ZL8RS)

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