[AMPS] Re: Pencils and fiery inch-long arcs!
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 20:53:13 -0700
On Wed, 22 Jul 1998 12:00:22 -0600 "Richard W. Ehrhorn" <w4eto@rmii.com>
>VERY GOOD POINT, Pete! I should have mentioned that - always keep the
>blade of the screwdriver solidly grounded to chassis BEFORE AND WHILE
>touching it to the HV line.
>The safety advantage of a proper HV shorting "stick" is that the metal
>probe/point is solidly connected to chassis by an insulated wire and
>healthy alligator clip or similar ground.
Also, be sure to short the two terminals of the caps together since you
can't safely assume that one end is indeed tied to ground. The low side
may get there thru a small resistor which may be OPEN! Surprise!
Slower on the fix, but still alive...
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