[AMPS] Re: SSB Power Output

John Nelson John_Nelson@compuserve.com
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 06:17:10 -0400

Message text written by Jon Ogden

>If it makes such a tremendous difference all the time, then why am I able
to work rare DX with 100 Watts?<

Because transmitter power output is only one factor of several (antenna
gain and pattern, antenna siting, Fresnel zones, feeder loss, highly
variable path losses, etc) which go to make up the totality of your
station. Neglecting propagation effects -- which will inevitably be the
major controlling influence -- day-to-day HF station performance is likely
to be much more a function of antenna characteristics than any other single
element. In isolation, transmitter power level is relatively unimportant.  

>Psychology is over on the Doctor Laura reflector! :-)

I must take a trip over there and see what she says about high-order IMD
and the urge to splatter all over the band <g>. 

John Nelson

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