[AMPS] ssb power

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Thu, 23 Jul 1998 15:13:11 +0100

I need convincing that 2dB makes an enormous difference.Even in the case of
the early opening - late closing situation, remember that 2dB is barely
noticeable aurally. I think many other factors, such as (and not limited to)
speech quality or keying fist, tone, tiredness of operator, QRM/N level (and
type), comfort of headphones and chair, external distractions, etc have more
effect on the whole. Note that I'm talking HF, not moonbounce/VHF where the
noise is pseudo white Gaussian (unless there's somebody about with 1KW from
a pair of 4CX250Bs - that's a different set of bets). It will also be
statistical: there will be occasions where 1.8dB makes a difference, ones
where it doesn't. As far as S meters are concerned, S stands for suspicion.
Although most are supposedly 6dB/S point, it's very approximate.


Peter G3RZP

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