[AMPS] Drake L-4PS Help

Joseph J. Duerbusch duerbusc@mvp.net
Sun, 26 Jul 1998 19:53:07 +0000

Last night while setting on but not transmitting, I heard a 
loud pop from the L-4PS that I am using with my Drake L-7
amp.  It tripped the circuit breakers in the power supply.

I opened the PS and checked visual everything looking for 
damage.  It didn't see anything wrong.  Hooked it back up and now
the plate voltage is 950 volts on CW, and 1300 volts on SSB
no load.

It's a very old supply, I am thinking about sending it back to
Drake.  Anyone have any comments about Drake and repairs?

BTW, it had the normal 1900/2600 volts.  I think the problem is
in the ps and not the amp.

There has been some comments about using computer grade cap's in
the supply and gluing them on to the board.  Seems like it 
would be hard to replace.

Any comments would be appreciated.  Will talk to Drake next
week on the phone.

Joe Duerbusch

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