[AMPS] 4-1000 Linear Schematic

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Thu, 4 Jun 98 00:47:14 -0800

>Hey anyone have any links to 4-1000 schematics?  I'm looking for a
>swamped grid drive version with about 6.5KV on the plate.  '73  KI4Z
The output circuit is the usual.  The unusual part of this configuration 
is the 200-ohm grid-swamping arrangement using a 4 to 1 bifilar step-up 
transformer and the neutralization bridge.  Such a circuit appears on my 
Web site.  .  You are going to need 1000v on the screen in order to 
realize the emissive capability of the 4-1000A's cathode.  A circuit for 
a screen reg. is on on the Web site.  .   If I was building an AB1 four 
by one, I would ground both screen pins to the chassis, and float the CT 
of the fil. trans.  The screen supply connects between the CT (-) and 
chassis-gnd. (+)  This is the usual technique on larger tetrodes.  
-  later


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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