[AMPS] 4-1000

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Fri, 5 Jun 98 10:54:16 -0800

>> Is the tube better in grounded grid configuration as I see 
>>most 4-1000A schematics, or is it better in grid driven configuration?
>I'd say the choice is very dependent on how much drive power you have. As
>far as you can trust the ARRL handbook, it suggests about 10dB of gain in
>GG. If you want 1500 out, that could be a problem.  In driven grid AB1, the
>power gain is theoretically infinite. 

�  Agreed, however, due to the problems involved in achieving large RF voltage changes across the capacitive grid, the practical max. gain of a grid-driven tetrode or pentode is seemingly in the 100 to 200 area.  

> If you don't have at least 100 watts
>of drive on ten, I suspect you won't get an awful lot of output because you
>won't have enough drive. 
>Peter G3RZP


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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