[AMPS] Re:

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Thu, 18 Jun 98 07:49:33 -0800

>>A resistor that has roughly 10nH of L and 1.5pF of C  (the ones we use) 
>>resonate at 1200 MHz.  Does it seem likely that this should be of concern 
>>in an HF amplifier?
>Did I ever say that?  No.  

The point was that the Rsup self-resonance is a non-issue.  

>Someone questioned the fact that I stated that 
>a resistor has a self resonant frequency.  I have never claimed that it 
>mattered in an HF amplifier.  Also, I even stated in once post that the 
>resonant frequency of the resistor is probably very high due to the small 
>values of the parasitic L and C.

>So I still stand by my point: A resistor has a self resonant frequency.  
>That is all I was trying to say.
>However, that 10 nH of inductance WILL have an effect on the anode 
>circuit in an HF amp.  So while the self resonant frequency is not an 
>issue for HF, the inductance still is.
true - and if the inductance of Rsup is equal to Lsup, the sup. design is 
-later, Jon


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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