[AMPS] DX'ers Ooops!

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Thu, 18 Jun 98 20:49:07 -0800

>Hi again,  Awhile ago I sent a post about DX'ers dream
>vacation at KH7R.  Jim,  KH2D has sent me a note pointing
>out my error in tetrode identification!
>That is a pair of 4CX100,000A's!!?  So your 160/80 signal
>surely will be heard when that amp is doing its'
>Corrected post,  then:
>"Ken and Jim  even,  thoughtfully,  have photographed
>one of the linear cabinets,  and have left the doors open
>allowing a view of the final tubes!   It's the low band
>amp:  water cooled pair of  4CX100,000A's ( tetrodes
>with handles!).

The largest air-cooled Eimac tetrode is the 4CX35,000C.  Eimac makes a 
4CW100,000D - a water-cooled tetrode rated at 20kV and 15A.  Typical 
output is c. 150kW   The weight is 60lbs.  No handles are provided. 


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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