[AMPS] SB-200 Build-up

Scott Babb sbabb@pop.tiac.net
Tue, 23 Jun 1998 07:30:43 +0000

Looking back a year or so in the archives, I see talk about
a major modification kit for the SB-220 to add 160, 17, & 12
meters, add QSK, improve parasitic suppression, etc.

What ever became of this?  I've tried e-mailing Carl, but his
mailbox is full.  The last I saw from him, he was going on
vacation to Maine.  No joy with the phone, either.

Does anyone else have any info?  I'm looking for a solid contest
and DXing amp to replace my SB-200 (for as little $$$ as possible) and
the modified SB-220 I read about sounds like a pretty good contender.

73 de WA1VHT,
Scott Babb

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