[AMPS] Benefit

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Sat, 14 Mar 1998 15:56:28 EST


>No, it is not erroneous.  This is from an engineering handbook.  A 
>VSWR will reflect 4% of your power.  You can calculate that.  That 4% 
>power goes back down your coax where it weakens do to coax losses.  It 
>then sees a mis-match of some sort when it arrives back at your 
>tuner/pa.  Some of that power is sent back into the antenna tuner/pa 
>some is reflected again to go back up the antenna.  So whatever power 
>no reflected back to the antenna is reduced by the loss in the coax 
>then when it gets to the antenna, 96% of it is sent out and 4% is 
>relected back to do the same thing.  Reflections basically go back and 
>forth continually ad infinitum.  This is why it is called a Standing 
>Is your total power loss 4%?  No, I never did say that.

It was hard to understand what you meant. I prefer to use dB, not some
percentage which is meaningless unless you know all the other parameters.

Saying that 4% goes round and round forever is gross over simplification.

  But SWR does 
>to the loss in your system.

Thats what I TRIED to show later down the page.

>I am willing to go round and round on this one.

Dont bother. When taken in the proper context you are correct.

 I am an RF engineer 
>by degree and trade.  So I feel that my knowledge is sufficient.

So is my son, now going for his MSEE; but no one has questioned your
credentials so why bring it up?
One can be a truck driver and read the charts that are
available...developed by some EE I assume. 

>Fortunately on HF, coaxial line loss is not a huge problem unless you 
>have a monster length feed line.  On VHF and UHF however, losses can 

Basic facts.

>>Here are the published flat and additional VSWR losses for RG-213 per
>>Freq	Flat Loss    Add loss  2:1 VSWR     Add for 4:1 VSWR
>>4 Mhz	0.32dB	  <0.1dB		      0.3dB	
>>15	0.8                 0.18		      0.7
>>30	1.2	    0.22		      0.9 	
>>It would then appear that even a 4:1 VSWR at 20M is of no real
>>consequence for many styles of operating. On 80M I really could care 
>>about  the.3dB when I go from CW to SSB. 
>I don't fully understand this chart.  But the columns aren't aligned 
>properly so I can't read it either.

The chart lines up here even after returning via the reflector; if others
are having a problem let me know. Anyway all I did was copy published
RG-213 loss and then add in the VSWR loss as published in any ARRL
Handbook or Antenna Manual for as long as I can remember. 
Doesn't require no degree to read it either.

SNIP    as the rest is off the cable loss discussion.

73   Carl  KM1H


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