[AMPS] Benefit

KA2YKC KA2YKC@aol.com
Sat, 14 Mar 1998 22:51:40 EST

In a message dated 98-03-14 11:56:21 EST, you write:

<< I assume that is with zero reflected power? Seems a bit hard to believe
 with only 60W of drive.  What is your key down Ep and Ip at this time?
 Rich, myself and others have tried to explain since the beginning of this
 reflector that the AL80xxx manual is a study in irresponsible operating. 
 To tune to 550ma plate and 200ma grid is asking for a very poor SSB
 signal. I would urge you to obtain a copy of the Eimac/Amperex spec sheet
 and follow their reccomendations, not MFJ/Ameritron. 
 At 2700V Ep,  130ma Ig and 400ma Ip you should obtain around 650-700W CW
 output, add 12-15% for PEP. BTW, on SSB the peak Ip meter reading should
 not exceed 250-300ma, even with processing.  That will keep the rest of
 us on the band happy also.
 73  Carl  KM1H >>

I seem to recall getting around 900-1000w on a Bird 43 on 20 meters, with a
low swr. However, one minor difference in the numbers quoted above was the
Plate voltage, which was around 3300v or so. I would guess that may be the
case with his AL80B.

Eric KK2ED

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