[AMPS] Viewstar PT1000

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 23 Mar 98 08:20:36 -0800

>At 05:55 AM 3/23/98 -0800, you wrote:
>>>Thatr was really creative, Rich -- you're the only person I know who could
>>>turn a dropped amp into a commercial for parasitic suppressors.
>>OTOH, Pete, if zero vhf RF is  detectable, it's a foot in mouth ad.  
>>However, I can't imagine that he damaged the Tune C that much from 
>>dropping the amplifier.  The Tune C, as well as the bandswitch, in a 
>>Viewstar has plenty of spacing for the anode supply potential.  
>>- later -
>Isn't it more likely that he did some damage to the tube?
What kind of damage to the 3-500Z could possibly cause intermittent 
arcing at the Tune C?


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K   

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