[AMPS] Re: TopBand: El Nino

km1h @ juno.com km1h@juno.com
Wed, 25 Mar 1998 17:26:00 EST

On Wed, 25 Mar 1998 14:29:27 EST k6se@juno.com (Earl W Cunningham)

>Amazing how the desert turns green when it's moistened!  It took a 
>week to mow my 2.5 acres (330' x 330') with a 22" push mower.  It 
>looks like a golf course out there!
>EL Nino is at it again, because it's raining constantly again today.  
>And that wild grass is still growing.  Maybe I'd better buy a tractor 
>mower to make it easier to keep that lossy vegetation to a minimum ! ?
>73, de Earl, K6SE

You SW guys are spoiled Earl. I replaced the blown 12HP motor on my
little lawn tractor ( older than I want to admit) with a 15HP overhead
version. I have not tried to see if it can drag Rohn 45G sections yet.
But I cut my mowing time down from 5 to under 4 hours.  Of course I dont
even try and crank it over until Memorial Day.....

73  Carl  KM1H

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