[AMPS] PT-1000-K1Mh

Kevin Nathan knathan@ibm.net
Wed, 25 Mar 1998 19:14:06 -0700

		Rich, I would agree that parasitics are no one's fault if this is the
problem.  My basic problem here is that I heard this amp on the air a week
before I bought it--unless the guy is a total fraud which I do not believe.
 Going from this state to what happened after I dropped it leads me to
believe this bounce had something to do with it.  The capacitors are very
clean which leads me and my friend to believe that arcing has not been a
problem before.  Thus, something went seriously wrong that caused high
voltage to arc to ground to do the damage it did to metering circuits, etc.

I don't want to discount your products or ideas but I feel this amp must
have worked correctly to some degree or he would not have kept it sso long
or in as good a condition.  Thus, unless presented with overwhelming
evidence to the contrary, I must take the responsibility for what happened.
 I just pray it can be fixed and put back into proper working condition.

I want to try to answer some of the various questions that have been put to
me by everyone so I can do it all in one email.  <G>  To date, we have
driven it to no more than 200 watts out for testing purposes.  This is
achieved with about 20 watts input which seems right to me.  It is past
this point when arcing occurs on just the plate tuning cap as far as we can
tell.  The arcing occurrd on 20 meters here on my beam at an swr of 1.3 to
1 at the tuning frequency.  I haven't heard from my friend in a couple of
days so I don't know if he has tested it elsewhere into his dummy load.

Thanks Rich and all for your thoughts.  73
Kevin nathan		

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