Fwd: Re: [AMPS] FS : 0.2 MF 10KV caps

Shawn Tayler Shawn Tayler" <stayler@powernet.net
Fri, 27 Mar 98 06:39:12 +0800

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998 07:08:56 EST, km1h @ juno.com wrote:

>So what?
>They are not leaking and I cant imagine anyone wishing to sleep with
>I dont think it was necessary to do a scare post to the whole reflector
>either. Give the readers credit for a lot of common sense...not EPA

Well...I didn't send the post to the reflector, just to you privately.  You did, however. reply via the reflector.  I did 
not wish to get into a public discussion of the political footballishness of PCB's.  I for one think it was 
unfounded, however, others on the list may not feel that way and say something in a public way.  I was hoping 
to alert you that there are people out there who would make a big deal about it.  I have run into such people 
and the results can be very ugly.

I for one, really appreciate the time and effort you put into this reflector and in providing those hard to find items 
that go with this little corner of the hobby.

I have again sent this to you privately and I have checked my "Sent Mail" folder to confirm that my original msg 
was only addressed to you, personally.  I do hope that nothing comes from this as I would like to see the 
components put to good use.  I am sorry for the misunderstanding and hope that you and I can get past this.

I also really do enjoy your common sense posts and appreciate you providing the services that you do.  I 
follow this reflector as PA's are an interest of mine.  I have an 8938 K1FO stripline design, hope to duplicate the 
Eimac Cavity soon.

de Shawn
 N7LQ (formerly WB7TDI)

DM09dn & DN01fa

(From the Dark Side of Planet OS/2)

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