[AMPS] Differences between Alpha 76?

K5KT K5KT@aol.com
Mon, 4 May 1998 19:01:34 EDT

In a message dated 5/4/98 15:29:00, lu7dw@abaconet.com.ar wrote:

<<Folks,  I've a change of buy on Alpha 76, as I know there are severals
version of this amplifier; Could anyone please explain me that
diifferences?Thanks a lot
Claudio LU7DW        LW0D in the next CQWPX CW>>

HI Claudio,
	 The Alpha 76 is made in three versions.. 
1)	The Alpha 76A is the basic amplifier with TWO 8874 tubes in the final and
the regular (iron) transformer.   It will put out nearly 1500Watts.  weighs
about 65#

2)	The Alpha 76PA is the amplifier with THREE 8874 Tubes in the final and also
has the regular (iron) transformer.   It will put out 1500+Watts.  weighs just
a bit more.

3)	The Alpha 76CA is the amplier which also has THREE 8874 tubes in the final
and has an extra heavy duty encapsulated Hipersil@ transformer and reduces the
overall weight by about 10#..  It too will put out 1500+Watts.

The 76 is an excellent amplifier and just one caution, though...    Take GOOD
care of the 8874 tubes; and as long as you do not overdrive them, they really
should last a LONG time.. 

Good luck

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