[AMPS] Re: 3CX3000A7 Filamen Choke

Jan-Erik Holm JEH@on.mobile.telia.se
Tue, 5 May 1998 20:49:16 GMT+1

>The question is the filament choke. The filament runs 7.5V @ 50A and we
>were wondering how to wind a suitable choke. What we have in mind is to
>tape 3 or 5 ferrite rods (3/8" diam is all that is avail in Australia) and
>winding the HEAVY DUTY bifilar coil around the bundle so that we have a
>decent diameter to wind the thick wire onto. 
>Is it OK to bundle up the ferrite rods in this manner to build up the
>winding diameter? If you have any knowledge or experience with this, we
>would appreciate your input.
>We do not wish to buy any ready made components for this amp as we do not
>wish to spend any money to build the thing. 
>73 to all, 
>de Alek VK6APK and his mate Alex VK6KCC.
I have done just this in both bigger and smaler amps, works just great.
73 good luck
de Jim SM2EKM

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