[AMPS] Gases liberated in plate

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Mon, 11 May 1998 20:00:12 EDT

On Mon, 11 May 1998 11:00:06 -0600 John Lyles <jtml@lanl.gov> writes:
>Following is a simple and valid explanation of gas in vacuum power 
>It came from "The Application of Graphite as an Anode Material to High
>Vacuum Transmitting Tubes", by EE Spitzer of General Electric, and 
>RCA Radiotron. Yes, I was at the technical library again... This one 
>dated 1933, August, Proc. IRE, page 1075-1081.

John, thanks a lot for digging that up.  It and the prior Philips posting
completely validates the gas arc theory IMO.
It also provides solid footing to explain the bent filaments in some
I remember arcs from some of those 30's era designed tubes ( 861, 1000T,
1500T),  when I was in the Navy. We used DC generators for 3-5KV HV power
and the only thing to limit current was a HV fuse. Worked OK, I dont ever
remember losing any tubes but with no filter caps I guess the stored
energy was low? ....Don't know what the available limit of the generators

I wonder if anyone else has managed to Internet  search library files for
other similar publications?

Also, tnx for the mercury vapor info...that explains many of  those 866A
and 872A  failures.

73  Carl  KM1H

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