[AMPS] Gases liberated in plate

Jon Ogden jono@webspun.com
Mon, 11 May 98 20:00:51 -0500

>John, thanks a lot for digging that up.  It and the prior Philips posting
>completely validates the gas arc theory IMO.
>It also provides solid footing to explain the bent filaments in some

Agreed, Carl.  Yes it does.

However, I still stick to my original question:  Why don't we see more 
damage in 3-500Z's that arced.  Why not melted grids, filaments, etc.  
Why just bent filaments?  Is it because the stock SB-220 linears have the 
current limiting resistors in them?  I didn't think they did.  Wouldn't 
an arc do much more damage than just bend the filaments?



Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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