[AMPS] Another arc question

Richard W. Ehrhorn w4eto@rmii.com
Tue, 12 May 1998 12:45:18 -0600

Hi Ian...

A real pleasure to read your cleanly and clearly presented postings using 
actual algebra to calculate meaningful, real (well, actually complex I 
guess) results. But if you aren't careful you'll thoroughly contaminate 
this thread with science.

Already you've virtually eliminated any real chance to further argue about 
series and parallel equivalent resistance, conductance, reactance, 
susceptance, impedance and/or admittance as if these are esoteric concepts 
that we ordinary mortal engineers & technicians can't quite grasp.

NOW what will we wrangle about? SWR?

73,  Dick  W0ID

-----Original Message-----
From:	Ian White, G3SEK [SMTP:G3SEK@ifwtech.demon.co.uk]
Sent:	Saturday, May 09, 1998 9:04 AM
To:	amps@contesting.com
Subject:	Re: [AMPS] Another arc question

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