[AMPS] Gassy Tubes and Gas Arcs
Rich Measures
Mon, 18 May 98 04:40:20 -0800
>>>>There are two kinds of blue glow with 8166/4-1000A tubes: Where the
>>>>electron beam strikes the glass envelope, and in the evacuated space.
>>>>The first case being normal and the second case being abnormal.
>>>In the evacuated space??? Isn't the whole tube evacuated??
>>With luck.
>>> Please explain...
>> If one sees ionized gas, is the inside evacuated?
>So then if all of the tube isn't evacuated, none of it is evacuated.
The evacuated space acts as one entity. The space is pretty well
evacuated and sealed at manufacture. If a glass to metal seal has a
microscopic imperfection, the vacuum fades as air invades.
>But you said that one blue glow is from electron beams striking the
>envelope. The other is in the "evacuated space." How do I know which
>from which?
By observation.
R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures
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