[AMPS] filament decoupling for RF

Richard W. Ehrhorn w4eto@rmii.com
Mon, 18 May 1998 15:01:01 -0600

Hi Carl & All...

RE: the query in your posting headed as shown at the end of my note, the 
ALPHA 91B uses modest unbypassed resistance in the cathode lead (12 ohms or 
so I think) to create a few dB of rf negative feedback (1) to improve 
linearity so IMD is better than most, if not all, modern ham xcvrs, and (2) 
to set the nominal gain to comply with FCC type acceptance requirements.

We did have to provide very good screen bypassing - an ordinary ceramic 
socket with common disk caps (very short leads) bypassing the screens left 
us with "difficulty" (which may be understating it - I don't remember all 
the details) in absolutely preventing VHF/UHF parasitics. Our basic 
criterion is that, under all test conditions (including those which others 
recommended here recently - low bias, near-maximum dissipation, no drive) 
the amp MUST NOT show any sign of instability at any frequency & under any 
combination of adjustments, unless the output is connected directly back to 
the input externally. The latter is an operating condition which we 
heartily recommend against(!) and do not ordinarily attempt ourselves.

73,   Dick

-----Original Message-----
From:	km1h@juno.com [SMTP:km1h@juno.com]
Sent:	Thursday, May 14, 1998 7:16 PM
To:	amps@contesting.com
Subject:	Re: [AMPS] filament decoupling for RF

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