[AMPS] Fair use?

Arlen Mendelssohn pcmeas@hotmail.com
Mon, 18 May 1998 23:07:23 PDT

>>If you quote someone's work, make sure you quote all of it, not just 
the bits 
that suit you.
>According to U. S. Copyright Law, a "fair-use" quote must  contain only 
>portion of the copyrighted material.  Wes made a lot of measurements.  
>quoted only the measurement that  affects VHF voltage amplification of 
>the amplifier tube --  i.e., VHF-Rp.  

Obediance of fair use law only makes it legal.  Literary accuracy, 
however, is a higher standard - and demands that you post, also, the 
author's opinion, whether it agree with yours or not.  In this case, the 
authors opinion appears to be evident in the observation of "...a dime's 
worth of difference...." which you chose to not post.

Legal you may be, but of literary honesty you are in doubt.

As you say,



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