[AMPS] Re: Parasitics

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Thu, 21 May 98 08:12:00 -0800

>Rich Measures wrote:
>>It seems to me that we start with a parallel inductor /resistor 
>>suppressor circuit, the conductance (G) and susceptance (B)  of which has 
>>an Admittance, Y.  This admittance may be converted to an equivalent  
>>impedance, represesented as a series Xp-Rp.  
>                               ^^^^^^  ^  ^
>That's where it all goes wrong.  What you have just described are Rs and
>Xs, where s stands for SERIES-equivalent.

What about a situation where it is understood by all parties except one 
that "Rs" stands for VHF parasitic suppressor resistor?   .   In Wes' 
measurements, he uses the term "Ls".  What is "Ls",  Mr. White?  



R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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