[AMPS] parasitics
Rich Measures
Thu, 21 May 98 08:55:25 -0800
>>To 2, I am still totally unconvinced that you can get enough current from
>>the space charge and the filament in 3-500Z to do this. So I'm a flash arc
>I am not saying I fully buy the parasitic theory....but....
>Wouldn't an arc do fairly extreme damage like melting the grid or even
>vaporizing part of it? The post by John Lyles seemed to indicate that
>arcs generally do some pretty damaging stuff. Far more than just bend
>So why don't we see more extensive damage in 3-500Z's with bent filaments
>if arcing is the real cause?
>I've asked this question at least twice and no one has responded to it
>yet. So I am asking it again.
...taking a wild guess. . Maybe the arc that causes filament-grid
shorts 3-500Zs is a previously unknown type of arc that causes bending
instead of heating. Thus, a "bending-arc" would leave no arc marks in
the metal.
R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures
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