[AMPS] Technical Question #1

Jon Ogden jono@webspun.com
Thu, 21 May 98 22:55:46 -0500

>> Tom:  Did you say that you have seen parasitic oscillation damage of 
>> *ANY* kind in SB-220s?
>Jon, this stuff is a silly waste of time. Can't we quit the kid 
>stuff and stick to technical issues? I have no time for "he said-you 
>said games".


All I am trying to do is get to the truth here by asking very *specific* 

Rich claims you said that you've seen VHF oscillation damage in SB-220s.

You say it's not true, that you haven't seen VHF parasitic oscillation.

Rich says you lie and that you told him you've seen oscillation damage.

You say Rich lies.

The best way to defend yourself is to state specifically what you *did* 
say.  Then I wouldn't have to ask my questions.

I am not the one playing the "he said; you said" games.

Let's just have full disclosure here.  That's all I am trying to do.  Cut 
through all the inuendo and muck to find out what you two really said to 
each other.



Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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