[AMPS] Triode Amp Out/In isolation

Jon Ogden jono@webspun.com
Thu, 28 May 98 09:05:36 -0500

>>14 dB is not so good. But you don't say what the phase is, which makes a big
>>difference. My guess is that it is negative feedback which is good, but
>>the gain so you need more drive.
>Phse would be important, unfortunately, I haven't the network type 
>equipment to to measure it.  I do have some 
>things, is there a method to measure the phase using not so sophisticated 

Not that I know of unless you have a vector voltmeter.  You can find them 
at hamfests, etc.  They work pretty well.



Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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