[AMPS] Triode Amp Out/In isolation

Tom Rauch w8ji.tom@MCIONE.com
Thu, 28 May 1998 21:24:47 +0000

> Date:          Thu, 28 May 1998 07:33:16 +0100
> From:          Steve Thompson <amps@txrx.demon.co.uk>

> You can improve the in/out isolation by tuning the grid inductance; see
> the articles on 70cm amps by K1FO in the ARRL UHF/Microwave projects
> manual.

Series tuning the grid is a good idea for monoband VHF PA's .'
Series tuning the grid increases grid impedance on all other 
frequencies except the resonant frequency of the series tuned 
frequency making it a poor system for multiband PA's..

73, Tom W8JI

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