[AMPS] SB-1000 WARC usage

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 29 May 1998 02:03:07 EDT

On Thu, 28 May 1998 11:46:56 -0700 Vic Rosenthal <rakefet@rakefet.com>
>I have the following problem with my SB-1000: Although the plate 
>circuit tunes 18 mhz
>in the 21 mhz position and 24 mhz in the 28 mhz position, it's not 
>possible to adjust
>the input tuned circuit so that the input swr on both 18 and 21 or 24 
>and 28 mhz will
>be acceptable to my exciter.  So, for example, if I adjust the input 
>coil for a good
>swr on 21 mhz, the swr on 18 mhz is too high.

The rest snipped...

Why not just duplicate the almost clone post WARC AL-80A circuit?   Dunno
if there is even a difference but at least ask about it. Also the early
AL-80A  blew plate chokes on 17M so watch your clone.

73  Carl  KM1H

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