[AMPS] 8877 pulls
Fri, 29 May 1998 02:03:07 EDT
On Thu, 28 May 1998 23:40:03 -0400 "David A. Pruett" <k8cc@ix.netcom.com>
>As with anything used, caveat emptor applies to vacuum tube pulls.
>However, I bought a used 8877 some years ago thru a friend of a friend
>does the swap and the tube works just fine. $175 sure beat the price
>of a
>new 8877, which was around $700 at the time.
>I've also heard rumblings out of Cleveland of somebody who has access
>3CX800 pulls from medical gear which he sells for $200 each. Same
>apply, but when you consider that a 3CX800 only needs 16W drive for
>out (according to the data sheet) I'll bet many of the pulls would
>good service in amateur amps.
Hi Dave,
The medical version of the 800 and the 3CPX800A7 are usually the same
tube....just a standard tube selected for high emission.
The Lunar Link 70cm amp will do 1500W out from a pair of the 3CPX
Any pull should be sold with a money back guarantee as long as it is
known to be going into a commercial amp. Home brew amps are something
else again and you have to play that one by ear......knowing the customer
sure helps!
73 Carl KM1H
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