[AMPS] More amplifier experiments

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 29 May 1998 10:26:13 EDT

On Fri, 29 May 1998 08:34:59 +0000 Tom Rauch
<10eesfams2mi@mass1-pop.pmm.mci.net> writes:
>> Date:          Fri, 29 May 1998 02:03:07 -0400 (EDT)
>> From:          km1h@juno.com
>> Subject:       Re: [AMPS] More amplifier experiments
>> I would be interested in what  L value you found in the 5W versions?
>About 60 nanohenries at a test frequency of 100 MHz. 

That does seem a bit high but what effect would it have in a suppressor ?
 I have never been clear on that point since it appears that a minute
amount of inductance is compensated for by the L that is selected.
What test equipment was used?  HP model #  ?  I can probably get some
network analyzer time over the weekend.

>What is the test frequency and inductance measuring capability of 
>your equipment? Does the "Tek 130" measure and display 
>both resistance and reactance? 

No just L at a 1KHz test frequency which I agree is rather old
fashioned....but my nice HP digital LCR meter is kaput until I can find a
repair facility...or the time to dig into it myself.

>> As far as brand, I talked to a Mouser Product Mgr today and was 
>> that a particular catalog part #  was directly connected to a 
>> manufacturer. If they changed sources the part # would change.  The 
>> that I buy are made by Xicon and the mgr said that if Xicon sources 
>> different countries the specs are identical..
>Inductance is not a normal spec, and is not considered in evaluating 
>non-specialized resistor sources. 

I get the feeling that others before me asked the inductance question so
they had an answer ready.

>Have you cut one of your "non-inductive" resistors open and looked at 
>the construction?  

No but I will.

>Seriously, I'd like to find a high-power non-inductive metal film 
>resistor. I hope your data is correct on this one, because carbon 
>composition resistors are getting expensive.

How about MFJ sources? They already use a non-inductive resistor in their
tuners, does their source produce a 5 or 10W version? 
I havent looked very close but what are Alpha, Command and QRO using?

73  Carl   KM1H

>73, Tom W8JI

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