[AMPS] 160 ego trip

Tom Hix w4th@webtv.net
Sat, 31 Oct 1998 18:51:04 -0600 (CST)

(Tom Hix) writes: 
Carl, you made the following comment on the reflector for 10/29 # 672. 
"For crying out loud, you can pick up a fully operational SB-200 for
$250 if your not into a 160M ego trip." 
I would hardly consider 160 meter operation an "ego trip". 
It all depends Tom. 
I have 271 countries confirmed on 160 but I do not run a sweep tube amp.
The LK-500ZC I bought new does a nice job along with the phased full
size verticals. 
There is a big difference between a serious 160M op and someone who just
has to have it on his bandswitch in order to talk to a local net.. 
Your turn.... 
73   Carl KM1H 

Carl only children take turns.
Tom Hix 

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