frank ayers jr
Sun, 1 Nov 1998 18:33:32 -0500
Carl wrote -
>Actually I would probably prefer a tube that requires an IPA. Then I
>could operate with enough power to be heard most of the time and then
>kick in the big amp when necessary.....
>I run a 1200W tetrode amp on 6M and drive with 12-15W. It is a a real
>pain at times to work locals, etc with the low power and yet the 1200W is
That's part of my logic in going with 8877's for my wintertime VHF amp
projects. Also, my DEM transverters do nicely at 10 - 20 w out. I think I
would do better to leave it at 10 watts, run it into a linear 10 to 100
watt IPA, then into an 8877 than to try to run a 4CX1600B or the like at
800 watts out because it's starved for drive.
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