[AMPS] Questions about FL2100Z and FL2100B Amps

Roger Stimson K8rs@acd.net
Fri, 06 Nov 1998 14:44:57 -0500

     Here are some questions for you amp gurus about a Yaesu FL2100Z
that I am checking out:

     On 10M  with 96 watts input, output is 320 watts, on 15M it is 473
watts, on 20M it is 595 watts, on 40M it is 586 watts and on 80M it is
640 watts.  Is this an indication that the tubes are going soft?

     With a Yaesu FL-2100B using the same test setup, 10M output is 600
watts with 62 watts input.  I am using a Bird 43/1000H into an Ameritron
ADL-2500 dummy load and a Kenwood TS 950SDX as the exciter.

     When I test the input power on "Standby", I get a marked difference
between the two amps.  The FL-2100Z shows a maximum output from the
Kenwood  of 96 watts, but the FL-2100B shows a maximum output of 120
watts.  Does this suggest that one or both of the relays in the 2100Z is
dirty/pitted?  However, the reflected power on both amps is 1.5 watts.
With no drive the current is 0.100 amps on the 2100Z.

     The tubes in the 2100Z are RF Parts.  The tubes in the 2100B are
Centron.  Are my results showing the differnce between the tubes?  The
FL-2100B had not be used much by the owner.  I can only guess that the
2100Z had been given a lot of use given the changed tubes.

     I would appreciate any and all ideas that might account for these


                  Roger Stimson K8RS

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