[AMPS] home brew

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Mon, 9 Nov 1998 17:24:00 -0000

George KG6T says:

>... unless you have an extensive "junk-box."   

An extensive junk box (in my case, room) needs the collecting attributes of
a squirrel, room, and age. It helps if you can also inherit junk that your
father collected...............as a result, it is highly unlikely that I
will EVER  run out of air variables, especially HV ones, or switches for
high power RF, or probably even ceramic coil froms or insulators, although I
do plead guilty to buying ceramic beehive insulators at Dayton.

But by scrounging off old timers (and the not so old with big junk piles),
combined with careful visits to flea markets and junk sales, and 1500 watts
for $150 is not impossible.

Over here, you can get used 4CX250Bs for about $12 each: 4 of those would do
around 1200 watts PEP: if you pushed the HV up to 2500, you may well get up
to 1500watts. Sure, a short life maybe, but for $50?


Peter G3RZP

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