[AMPS] ETO/Alpha Electronic Bias Switching

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 9 Nov 1998 12:02:21 -0800

>Over the weekend, I re-activated the electronic bias switch in one of my
>PA-70V vapor-cooled amps.  Prior to this change, bias was fixed, pursuant to
>some information I received from another "vapor" owner of an alleged ETO
>service bulletin describing this mod.
>Upon reactivating the electronic bias switch, I noticed that grid current
>idles slightly negative 

[which is actually positive current]

>(below the meter's zero point at about 15-20 mA) in
>the high-voltage position.  However, grid current is zero in the low voltage
>position.  This is a grounded-grid, AB1 amplifier using what's essentially a
>3CX1000A7 tube.

If it runs grid current, it's AB2
>Does anyone know if this is normal for electronic bias switching and is
>there any degradation in performance in allowing this condition to continue?
This sounds unusual to me, however, any RF actuated bias-switching has 
built-in "degradation in performance" since it causes the tube to rapidly 
switch in and out of linear bias during voice transmission.  
-  later, Paul

Rich. Measures.  Web site:  www.vcnet.com/measures

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