[AMPS] Fw: [TenTec] Titan info

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Tue, 10 Nov 1998 06:12:28 -0800

>Amp Reflectees,
>Why is he going through so many vacuum relays?? See below.
>Lane Zeitler
Possibly because the vacuum relay is not closing fast enough.   Just 
because a relay coil is rated at a certain voltage does not mean that the 
rated voltage is satisfactory for all applications.  For instance, If a 
26v/80mA  HC-1 or RJ-1A vac. relay is operated from 26vdc, it closes in 
approx.  6mS.  The bad news is that 6mS is Not fast enough to avoid 
hot-switching with some of the newer transceivers.  .  In order to 
actuate these relays fast enough to avoid hot switching, the coil needs 
to be operated from a Current-Limited 80mA / 110 - 160 vdc source 
(actuate time approx. 1.9mS).   Jennings outlines this procedure in their 
vac. relay catalogue.   Curiously, I know of no amplifier manufacturer 
who uses a 110 - 160 volt current limited source for such relays. 
.   .    
-  later, Lane

Rich..., ag6k

>Subject: Re: [TenTec] Titan info
>Hi Bob and congrats on getting your hands on a darned good amp. I've had 
>mine for seven years and other than having to replace vacuum relays often, 
>it's worked great for me. I typically wear out a vacuum relay a year, but 
>then I'm pushing the thing at greater than 60 wpm also.
>Two thing's I recommend:
>1)      Get in the habit of an annual cleaning. Take the top cover off and 
>use a rather stiff paint brush and your XYL's vacuum and REALLY clean the 
>dust/dirt out of it. I go so far as removing the tubes and dusting the 
>sockets and in the chamber underneath the tubes. I also use a small brush 
>and clean the vanes on the fan. I also cut out small pieces of air 
>conditioner foam and attach it to the air intake louvers on each side of 
>them amp, with several pieces of sewing thread. During contest or extended 
>periods of operating, I direct an external fan on the power supply. All of 
>this cleaning takes you about an hour a year..but sure helps in keeping 
>the air flow strong on the $400 a piece tubes!
>2)      At ham fest, etc., look for some GOOD Jennings military type 
>vacuum relays. Buy SEVERAL of them and keep them handy.
>Don't be afraid to run at 1500 watts output. I've done it many times on 80 
>mtrs during the CQ WW DX contest. It just sits there and kicks tu-tu!
>At 10:47 AM 11/9/98 -0500, you wrote:
>>Greetings to all,
>>I have recently aquired a Titan 425,and would appreciate any
>>information,pointers,warnings,etc. I'm in the process of running a 220 v.
>>line into the shack,so the day is coming to fire it up.
>>Thanks in advance,direct reply is OK.
>>Bob KA1DFO
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>Chester Alderman
>Tom - W4BQF


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/ampfaq.html
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