[AMPS] F.S. BIG DX station linears

DX-King@webtv.net DX-King@webtv.net
Sun, 15 Nov 1998 13:49:33 -0800 (PST)

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 Oops>>> Forgot to put in the price.$18,000.00 for the pair.
 Would cost you about twice that much to have them built -by Creative
Electronics- today.

 Both linears are about 5 years old & work & look as new.


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From: DX-King@webtv.net
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Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 13:36:29 -0800 (PST)
To: amps@contesting.com
Subject: [AMPS] F.S. BIG DX station linears
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Hello and 73's to the gang!

 Have maybe the bigest and best DX linear pair around for sale. It
consist of two amplifiers built by Creative Electronics of So.Calif. 

 The first amplifier -the driver- is a CE2500.It runs a single YC-229
triode (samething as a 3CX1200D7).Looks a little like a Henry
"Classic"amplifier. Power output is 2500 watts no time limit. Runs on
240vac only.

 Now for the BIG'un. A CE25,000. Uses a single 3CX15,000A7 triode
tube.Fully metered with built in dual line section Bird watt meters.
Both amps can be seen at    www.ampsystems.com  Scroll down to the ASI
5KW amps and this is what the big one looks like. Runs on single phase
240vac. NOTE> You will need at least a 150 amp 240vac line for this amp.
I have a 400 amp service for my radio room.Also antenna system and feed

 You can also see the CE2500 on this web site too.

 Both linears have tuned inputs and cover 80-10 meters.

 Can be shipped frieght or you can come pick them up outside of
Sacramento,Calif.Bring a BIG truck and lots of friends as the big one
weighs around 1000lbs!! 

 To contact me,e-mail me at this account>
 Can give on the air demo untill Dec.15 when towers and rest of the
station comes down.

73's and good DXing,
PS-life is to short to be QRP!!

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