[AMPS] Emtron Amplifiers
Wed, 18 Nov 1998 10:36:58 -0500
> Emtron also makes TET-Emtron antennas, switch mode power supplies,
> antenna tuners and to this site most importantly - HF Linear Amplifiers.
> don't want to elaborate on our Amplifiers, our Web site:
> serves this purpose. In Australia Emtron is a sign of quality.
> 73 Rudi Breznik VK@AOT
Rudi: Thanks for the clarifications! It is always helpful to hear from
the horse's (or kangaroo's) mouth, as it were. I am coming into posession
of an Emtron 3000DX 160-10m amp. I have been unable to find anyone with
information about this somewhat rare beast. I am told that it was imported
in competition to the Kenwood TL-922 but most of them never made it East of
the Mississippi. Are you aware of the source of this amp and/or of a
potential source of information? (I have previously
E-mailed your company about this but the staff person who responded seemed
to only have an awareness of your current product line and was unaware that
you made other discontinued products.)
Thanks & 73, DavidC AA1FA
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