[AMPS] Screen regulators circuits

David Feldman dgf@netcom.com
Wed, 18 Nov 1998 13:47:22 -0800 (PST)

>Now what is the next topic for the long winter nights?

We (I guess some of us??) would love to find a design for a voltage-regulated,
current-limited power supply for use in the helix of a travelling wave tube.

Seems the design ideas aren't so different than screen regulator, except for
floating outputs and the voltage/currents involved.

The catches (I'm sure they are numerous) include some very high voltages
(1kv-10kv; at least 8100V is the helix on one tube I have!), strict voltage
regulation (1% or better), rapid start-up timing, current limiting (a few
mA is probably common), and the need for a fully DC isolated output (TWTs
often have collector as ground).

I've thought a shunt regulator in a floating DC supply design would work,
but that's about as much as I know on the subject!

73 Dave WB0GAZ dgf@netcom.com

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