[AMPS] Henry 2K and Henry 2K-2

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Sun, 22 Nov 1998 10:15:39 -0500

On Sat, 21 Nov 1998 20:17:01 -0800 "Jim Heath" <jimheath@foothill.net>
>What is an old Henry 2K from 1964 worth?  The plate current meter has 
>been replaced with a Shurite (sure-wrong) meter. It is about a 7 out 
>of 10.  It still has 3-400z's.  The plate transformer is now a Peter 
>Dahl.  There are no other mods.  It even has the old 3B28's.

Around here you can find them complete and original for $400 or so.

>Also, what is a Henry 2k-2 from 1972 worth?  It is about an 8 out of 
>10. It too still has 3-400z's.

Not too much more. It is getting hard to find homes for heavy iron these
days unless it is a collector.

>Any advice on converting either of these to 3-500z use is welcome.  
>Neither has bias.  I just happen to have some 3-500z's and no 

Neither has operating bias but they do have cut-off bias. Lift the
operating bias lead and replace with a reverse connected string of
1N5408' s to give around 220ma idle current. Or a 50W zener.

I forget which one of the models requires a different plate cap for
clearance...think its the 2K-2. You can buy the low profile ones from
Omega Electronics since they were used by Amp Supply....or adapt a
transistor heat sink.

73  Carl  KM1H

>Jim KB6SX

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