[AMPS] Re: [TowerTalk] how to kill line noise?

zeitler@ibm.net zeitler@ibm.net
Mon, 23 Nov 1998 07:17:47 -0800

This is getting old. First of all I never rcv'd any inquiries regarding a
"carrier". Second, why are you still upset? I have told you that if you feel
that you need compensation for me backing out of the 4X1 deal three summers
ago then tell me what you feel is fair. I told you why I backed out. Perhaps
the reasons were not the best. I admitted that I did indeed make a BAD
DECISION and that I should have worked it out with you over the phone.

I ask of you again, please forgive me for my grave error in lack of
judgement. Hank, let's put this behind us and move on. Let's either resolve
it now or never talk about it again. What is it that you need? How long are
you going to stay mad?

Lane Zeitler
2262 Barney St
San Diego, CA 92139
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Arney <kn6di@groupone.net>
To: zeitler@ibm.net <zeitler@ibm.net>
Date: Monday, November 23, 1998 6:42 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] how to kill line noise?

>I really APPRECIATE your reply to my questions regarding operation from the
>carrier. Ha
>The ANC-4 sucks. I took my back the next day.
>You can always move.                                   To Erie,PA.
>zeitler@ibm.net wrote:
>> Reflectees,
>> There is a very high voltage/primary feed around 400 yards from my QTH.
>> type of feed that has the real tall poles around 100+ feet tall. It is
>> of the main arteries that supplies a large grid here in urban San Diego.
>> times I get a terrible broadband type of noise that tends to "drift" up
>> down the bands.
>> Does the JPS ANC-4 work well for this type of noise? The noise blankers
>> the 850SAT and 830S do not touch it.
>> Lane Zeitler
>> KM3G
>> San Diego
>> --
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