[AMPS] Drake L7 Plate RFC

Scott Townley nx7u@primenet.com
Tue, 24 Nov 1998 22:13:02

An acquaintance of mine parted out an L7 recently and I ended up with the
anode choke.
An interesting device:
1" dia. ceramic form
2 sections, close wound, about 1-3/4" in length each, with about a 1/8" gap
between sections.
It looks like you can "tap" the RFC in the center spacing, as there
actually is a clip that fits around the ceramic form with solder holes.

If memory serves the L7 (or was it the L75?) could do 160m.  Is that what
the "center tap" on the anode choke is for?  Some auxiliary coil to switch
in somehow?

I would imagine that since the L7 was a 2x 3-500Z amp under the old 1kW CW
rules (so it claims 1kW CW, 2kW SSB input), with a corresponding
(relatively) high plate impedance, that this choke should be suitable for
modern 1.5kW out service with 2x 3-500Z (and the corresponding lower plate
impedance), if the wire size is large enough (and it looks to be 18 gauge).

Anyhow, any comments, experiences, etc., on this choke would be greatly
Scott Townley		
Collector of:
	Stoddard Aircraft EMI/RFI receivers and accessories
	Big Parts for that Big Linear Amp 
	70's era RF test equipment HP/GR/Tek
	Radio-related technical reference material 1940+
	...anything else that will keep me off the streets at night

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