[AMPS] joints

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Wed, 25 Nov 1998 15:52:33 -0500

On Wed, 25 Nov 1998 16:58:52 -0000 Peter Chadwick
<Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com> writes:
>	>I would think that a good hobby and crafts 4% silver solder 
>	>superior. I use that mix here for most QRO RF work, 
>particularly at
>	>where I have had regular solder melt while debugging a tank
>Is that the high temperature silver solder, or the low temp (220deg C) 
>silver soft solder?

I said 4% not 2% . Peter I think the 2% stuff is what the envirowackos
have forced on several states for copper plumbing use.

I have no idea  what the melting temp is Pete. It is not mentioned on the
package but I can say it takes considerably more effort from a 140W
Weller gun to melt compared to the regular  60/40 stuff. 
My standard shop gun is an ancient 100/140W Weller and for silver
soldering I usually wind up with the larger  240/325W  D-55 model . When
I get real serious I fire up the old 175W straight iron or the propane

73  Carl  KM1H

>Peter G3RZP
>> ----------
>> From: 	km1h@juno.com[SMTP:km1h@juno.com]
>> Sent: 	25 November 1998 16:43
>> To: 	amps@contesting.com
>> Subject: 	Re: [AMPS] joints
>> On Wed, 25 Nov 1998 12:36:23 -0000 Peter Chadwick
>> <Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com> writes:
>> >
>> >Does anyone know if silver soldered joints have higher resistance 
>> >the
>> >usual soft soldered joints? Wondering if it's worthwhile silver 
>> >soldering
>> >the tank circuit.
>> >
>> >73
>> >
>> >Peter G3RZP
>> Peter,
>> I would think that a good hobby and crafts 4% silver solder would 
>> superior. I use that mix here for most QRO RF work, particularly at 
>> where I have had regular solder melt while debugging a tank 
>> It is also recommended in just about every cavity article I have 
>> 73  Carl  KM1H
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