[AMPS] Fw: [Drake] A not so gentle reminder - HV is unforgiving

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Fri, 27 Nov 1998 07:27:53 -0800

>>....... I went downstairs to my
>>BA bench to give it a look and for some reason 


>>I put my right hand
>>on the right side, feeling for heat from the bleeder resistors safely
>>inside. My little finger must have curled under a bit and what
>>happened next is just a blur as it came in contact with the 2400
>>volt runner on the outside edge of the PS board - felt like I had
>>been hit with a sledgehammer. My right little finger split open like
>>an overcooked hotdog. .........

Contact with the electric-mains may be even more dangerous since 
120v/240v  can cause an involuntary muscle contraction from which the 
victim can not let go.  

Rich. Measures.,www.vcnet.com/measures, 805.386.3734

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